Tag: souvenir

January 4, 2023 /
Meet Us in Paris
Stuff From Our Travels

Once upon a time a wise man named George Carlin once said, “A house is just a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff.”…

March 24, 2021 /
Meet Us in Paris
The Best Cheap Souvenirs

WE CAN’T WAIT TO TAKE A TRIP! Did we mention that? Maybe? So, as you can imagine, the last few weeks we’ve been discussing some potential travel destinations in the US…

November 17, 2020 /
Meet Us in Paris
Cool Things We’ve Brought Back From Our Travels

Sorry we’re so late with our podcast, we’ve had some technical issues with our server. So, as you can imagine, we’ve had a lot of time at home the last…

June 24, 2019 /
Meet Us in Paris

We all bring them back from our trips, but what is it separates a great souvenir from a bad one? In this week’s podcast we talk about our favorite things…